With this assignment we looked at narrative photography which is telling a story in the form photos. I looked at tableau vivient which isa French phrase meaning “living picture.” This is where the photo is of a living painting for example Red Saunders uses historical painting to create his own living pictures. I also looked at linear and non- linear which is the way the story id ordered, linier is the story in order were as non-linear narratives are when the story is not in any order for example pulp fiction is a non-linear narrative the scenes are all out of time.
The type of narrative I was asked to mainly look at was circular narrative which is where the story begins and ends in the same place so the story just goes round in circles. We were given a key word to focus the beginning of our circular narrative on, mine was table. With the key word I came up with three ideas for a photo shoot. The idea I chose after some research in to the topic was an anorexic diary which focuses many on the dairy and what it contains. I thought this would be a good idea because people would have to look at the image to see what was written in the diary not just look and walk away.
I did a small photo shoot to see what angle I would be photographing the book because at first I want to make the book look hard to read and miss parts of the writing out but then I thought against it since the main reason I choice the diary was because people would read it.
The photo shoot that I used for my final outcome has a number of images of the dairy all with the same angle and most with the same lighting. Out of this shoot I chose 11 image s to create my circular narrative the first image will be used twice as it will be the beginning and the ending of my narrative. I edited the image because I thought that if they were in colour then it would distract the view from what is in the diary. For the display of the narrative I wanted it to be in line so the viewer would just have to move across to each image.
In conclusion I did enjoy this assignment but I would have liked to also be able to choose my own key word but then I would not have researched in to anorexia and would not have a better understanding of the eating disorder, I like my final outcome and I think that they work very well and a series of images. I think if I were to do this assignment again I would try to do the diary in a different way for example I would have less information in it so the view would have to think about the diary and what it is about .