Wednesday, 12 March 2014

CVs examplies

 After  the professional practice and self promotion presentation and thinking about my own CV  I thought that I should create a photography CV so that I could send it to professionals for a job or assistant opportunities, before I write my own a CV I decided that I could do with some examples so I went on the internet and found some great examples of photography CV's.

The examples above are interesting because they show a photo as a faded background. Having a photo on the CV will attract employers attention because it would show them what the photographer can do before they look at a portfolio. The only problem I have with these examples is that the photo could maybe distract the employer from the the CV actually says.

Resume Photographer by Rkaponm

The two examples above are two very interesting CV because they are quite eye catching which an employer would most definitely be looking at. I don't think I would have my CV like them as they seem to be over the top for my liking but an employer might like this.

This example is quite simply but it does work in the way that it shows the employer  that this person is a photographer and has some experience, its easier to read since their is not much to distract the employer from reading whats on the CV but it still shows what the photographer can do before looking at the portfolio.

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